4. Implement the Petition's Plan to use industrial ecology to periodically figure what the true, long-term, overall costs to society, our children and the environment are of the various chemical families amongst our enormous backlog in a massive, crash test program.
a) This "full court press" involving the top 1000+ chemicals of most concern, would be led by government and government-paid labs, indirectly funded by the chemical industry through True Cost Transformation fees, current and retroactive, along with industrial ecologists, toxicologists, epidemiologists, agricultural scientists and other experts.
b) It would also be aided by universities, the International Chemical Workers Union Council, business, non- profits and citizen groups. Overall, as we envision it, it would go forward in an open, transparent, online/offline/all-media environment with an array of organizational and citizen-based checks, balances, rewards and penalties to ensure un-biased, uncorrupted, accurate data.
5. Then, during and after that process of figuring the Price of Chemicals That Tells the Social and Environment Truth, per the Petition's Plan, levy True Cost Transformation (TCT) fees on those chemicals not immediately banned, including some harmful costs previously foisted onto society, and do so at the most appropriate points of production and importation.
a) Afterwards, rebate those billions to help all workers in chemically polluting industries to get good-paying jobs installing, helping them start their own businesses installing, working in businesses that install or if need be, helping them move elsewhere to work in and/or start their own businesses installing solar, wind, insulation, weatherization, or
b) now detoxifying homes, workplaces, 45,000+ abandoned mines, 120,000+ orphan wells and 450,000+ abandoned brownfields suspected of having contaminated soil. Indeed, detoxifying might be for many very satisfying work.
c) Along with government support, this will also incentivize the rapid development of Green Chemistry, making thousands of healthy and safe chemicals profitable as they underprice and replace their existing, harmful counterparts.
6. Institute the Precautionary Principle that new chemicals need to be proven safe in the long-term before entering our world with government testing paid for with True Cost Transformation fees levied on companies found guilty of chemical pollution, reckless endangerment, and having made a profit at the expense of our society and children.